Source code for

# GillesPy2 is a modeling toolkit for biochemical simulation.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 GillesPy2 developers.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import platform
from importlib.util import find_spec
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import gillespy2
from gillespy2.core import Model, gillespyError

from . import template_gen
from .make import Make

[docs]class BuildEngine(): template_definitions_name = "template_definitions.h" template_options_name = "template_opts.h" def __init__(self, debug: bool = False, output_dir: str = None): self.self_dir = Path(__file__).parent self.cpp_dir = self.self_dir.joinpath("../c_base").resolve() self.makefile = self.self_dir.joinpath("SConstruct") self.src_template_dir = self.cpp_dir.joinpath("template") self.output_dir = output_dir self.debug = debug # The output_dir will be generated if it does not exist on prepare(). # Output files are all rooted relative to the output_dir. if self.output_dir is not None: self.output_dir = Path(output_dir) if not self.output_dir.is_dir(): self.output_dir.mkdir(parents=True) def __get_cache_dir(self) -> Path: cache_dir = gillespy2._global_cache if not cache_dir.is_dir() or not os.access(str(cache_dir), os.R_OK): cache_dir = Path(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".gillespy2", "cache") return cache_dir
[docs] @classmethod def get_missing_dependencies(cls) -> "list[str]": """ Determine which dependencies are missing on the system, if any. :returns: A list of missing dependencies. """ dependencies = ["g++", "scons"] missing = [(dep) for dep in dependencies if shutil.which(dep) is None] # SCons can either be an executable or a Python package # If the executable is not found, default to the Python package if "scons" in missing and find_spec("SCons") is not None: missing.remove("scons") return missing
[docs] def prepare(self, model: "Union[Model, template_gen.SanitizedModel]", variable=False) -> str: """ Prepare the template directory for compilation. The following operations will be performed: 1. If no cached object files are found, prebuild them. 2. Copy the C++ template directory into a new temp directory. 3. Remove the sample template_definitions.h file. 4. Generate and write a template_definitions.h file from the model. :param model: A GillesPy2 model who's template definitions will be generated. :type model: gillespy2.Model :param variable: A template_gen argument requirement which enables support for non-constant param values. :type variable: bool :returns: The path of the output directory. """ # If the output directory is None, create and set it to a temporary directory. if self.output_dir is None: self.output_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='gillespy2_build_', dir=os.environ.get('GILLESPY2_TMPDIR')) ) # If object files haven't been compiled yet, go ahead and compile them with make. # Precompilation only happens if the cache is enabled but hasn't been built yet. # Make target for individual simulation will still succeed if prebuild() isn't called. self.obj_dir = self.output_dir.joinpath("gillespy2_obj") self.template_dir = self.output_dir.joinpath("gillespy2_template") if gillespy2.cache_enabled: self.obj_dir = self.__get_cache_dir() if not self.obj_dir.is_dir(): self.obj_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # Copy the C++ template directory to the temp directory. shutil.copytree(self.src_template_dir, self.template_dir) # If a raw GillesPy2 model was provided, convert it to a sanitized model. if isinstance(model, gillespy2.Model): model = template_gen.SanitizedModel(model, variable=variable) elif not isinstance(model, template_gen.SanitizedModel) and type(model).__name__ == "SanitizedModel": raise TypeError(f"Build engine expected gillespy2.Model or SanitizedModel type: received {type(model)} , __name__={type(model).__name__}") # Build the template and write it to the temp directory and remove the sample template_definitions header. template_file = self.template_dir.joinpath(self.template_definitions_name) template_file.unlink() template_gen.write_definitions(str(template_file), model.get_template()) custom_definitions = model.get_options() if custom_definitions is not None: options_file = self.template_dir.joinpath(self.template_options_name) options_file.unlink() template_gen.write_definitions(str(options_file), custom_definitions) # With all required information gathered, create a Make instance. self.make = Make(str(self.makefile), str(self.output_dir), str(self.obj_dir), str(self.template_dir)) return self.output_dir
[docs] def build_cache(self, cache_dir: str, force_rebuild: bool = False): """ Build object dependencies and cache into directory for later use. :param cache_dir: The directory to use as a cache. :type cache_dir: str :param force_rebuild: Delete and rebuild the cache directory. :type force_rebuild: bool """ make = Make(self.makefile, cache_dir, cache_dir) make.prebuild()
[docs] def build_simulation(self, simulation_name: "str", definitions: "dict[str, str]" = None) -> str: """ Build the solver to the temp directory. :param simulation_name: The name of the simulation to build. For example, ODESimulation. :type simulation_name: str :param definitions: Dictionary of environment variables to be overriden when the Makefile is invoked. Intended for use when running through a debugger environment or profiler. :type definitions: dict[str, str] :return: The path of the newly build solver executable. """ if definitions is None: definitions = {} if self.make is None: raise gillespyError.BuildError( "Failed to build the simulation. The build environment has not yet been prepared.\n" "To fix, call `BuildEngine.prepare()` prior to attempting to build the simulation." ) self.make.build_simulation(simulation_name, template_dir=str(self.template_dir), **definitions) return str(self.make.output_file)
[docs] def get_executable_path(self) -> str: """ Resolves the filepath of the simulation executable. Only valid after the simulation has been built. :return: String containing path to executable. None if no executable exists. """ if not os.path.exists(self.make.output_file): return None return str(self.make.output_file)
[docs] def clean(self): """ Delete the output directory and all other associated build artifacts. """ if self.debug: return if self.output_dir is None: return if self.output_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir, ignore_errors=True)