Documentation for GillesPy2 |release| ##################################### GillesPy2 is an open-source Python package for stochastic simulation of biochemical systems. It offers an object-oriented approach for creating mathematical models of biological systems, as well as a variety of methods for performing time simulation of those models. The methods include the `Gillespie direct method (SSA) `_, several variant stochastic simulation methods including `tau leaping `_, and numerical integration of ODEs. The solvers support a variety of user environments, with optimized code for C++, `Cython `_, and `NumPy `_. Models can also be read from files in `SBML `_ format. Getting a copy of GillesPy2 *************************** The latest version of GillesPy2 can be found on `PyPI `_. The source code is available on `GitHub `_. GillesPy2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. .. raw:: html

Please register as a user! GillesPy2's development is funded by NIH grant 2R01EB014877, and to continue support, we need to prove GillesPy2 has users. Please fill out our short registration form!

Getting help ************ If you find any problem with GillesPy2 or this documentation, please report it using `the GitHub issue tracker `_ for the project. You can also contact the main author, Dr. `Brian Drawert `_, directly with questions and suggestions. Documentation ************* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Getting started :name: sec-getting-started getting_started/installation/installation.rst getting_started/basic_usage/basic_usage.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Tutorials :name: sec-tutorials tutorials/tut_toggle_switch/tut_toggle_switch.rst .. tutorials/tut_michaelis_menten/tut_michaelis_menten.rst tutorials/tut_sbml/tut_sbml.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: API reference classes/gillespy2 Indices and tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`